Lung Health

Benefits Of Abdominal Breathing For Lung Health

When a virus infects the body, it already causes lung damage, and strenuous, oxygen-consuming exercise only puts more pressure on the lungs, prolonging recovery time and possibly increasing complications. So is there a less strenuous, but also exercise, the best also does not affect others exercise? Today we will introduce you to an ancient method of lung exercise, simple and convenient, everyone can learn and practice at all times! It is the abdominal breathing method.

1. What is abdominal breathing?

Abdominal breathing is one of the most important and basic breathing methods in yoga and meditation and is one of the easiest and most effective relaxation training techniques. In fact, not only yoga and meditation but also our traditional Buddhism and Taoism use abdominal breathing as the most basic practice method.

Most of us usually do, this is called chest breathing, short breath, fast rhythm, and short time of oxygen exchange in the lungs
In contrast, abdominal breathing is when the abdomen expands during inhalation, the diaphragm contracts downward, the lungs stretch, and the air is drawn deeply into the lungs. During exhalation, the abdomen and diaphragm relax, compressing the lungs, and the air is exhaled.

Abdominal breathing is slower and deeper, more rhythmic and relaxed than chest breathing. Under normal conditions, we breathe at a rate of 13-16 times per minute, which can reach 60 times per minute during strenuous exercise, while with abdominal breathing, our breathing rate can drop to 3-5 times per minute and we can inhale 500 hectoliters of air each time.

2. What are the benefits of practicing abdominal breathing?

2.1 Exercise the vitality of the heart and lungs

Abdominal breathing can be a good exercise for lung function, because of the expansion of the abdomen, resulting in the diaphragm falling, the lungs being forced to expand, the pressure is reduced, the external pressure large, the air is pressed into the lungs, so it can be the very effective exercise of the lungs. The diaphragm and compression of the lungs can transport blood to the heart, which also stimulates the heart in another way and exercises the heart function, which has a very good exercise effect on the heart and lungs.

2.2 Reduce the chances of lung infection

We all know that the blood in the alveoli is very rich and is also the part where the arteries and veins interact, so if the alveoli can expand enough, then the more effective the exchange of blood will be. The pathogens can be swallowed by the white blood cells in the blood and transported to the liver to be broken down and processed in time to avoid accumulation in the lungs. The most important treatment for patients with new coronary pneumonia is oxygen, we can usually increase the amount of oxygen intake, but can not reduce the chances of infection.

2.3 Exercise the abdominal organs

Abdominal breathing is good for soothing the liver and bile, promoting the secretion as well as excretion of bile, not having too much bile in the gallbladder, and avoiding the occurrence of gallbladder stones. In addition, abdominal breathing can also lower blood pressure by stretching the abdominal blood vessels, which can also be done more often by patients with high blood pressure.

2.4 Regulate emotions and reduce anxiety

The use of abdominal breathing can better balance the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body’s blood, normalize the heart rate, and reduce muscle tension and anxiety that accompany stress symptoms and thinking. We all know that when one is reorganizing one’s thoughts, calming oneself, or mobilizing energy for a challenging task, sighing deeply or breathing heavily to increase the amount of oxygen inhaled can have a stress-releasing effect, which is why abdominal breathing is the basis for the ancient practice techniques of yoga, meditation, and Zen practice.

The practice of abdominal breathing is suitable for both young and old, does not require a specific place or time, and can be practiced anywhere, anytime, in any position, without disturbing the rest of the others, but the exercise should be moderate, strenuous exercise is harmful.

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