Lung Health

Four Amazing Chinese Lung-clearing Teas

Dry climate, easy to hurt the lungs, at this time the diet should be moistened, nourishing Yin, moisten the lungs mainly. And tea happens to have a very good health care effect, choose the appropriate tea, you can achieve the effect of moistening the lungs. In this article, we will discuss four amazing Chinese lung cleansing teas that can provide your lungs with much-needed detoxification.

1. Ginger Su tea

【Ingredients】 3 grams each of ginger and sage leaves.

【Method】 Cut the ginger into fine julienne, wash the sage leaves, brew with boiling water for 10 minutes to drink as tea.

【Efficacy】It is suitable for cold and wind, headache and fever, or nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and bloating and other gastrointestinal discomfort type of cold.

2. Radish tea

【Ingredients】100 grams of white radish, 5 grams of tea, a small amount of salt.

【Method】First wash and slice the white radish and boil it, slightly add salt to taste (do not put MSG), then brew the tea for 5 minutes and pour it into the radish juice to take.

【Efficacy】It has the function of clearing heat and resolving phlegm, regulating qi and appetite, and is suitable for coughing and phlegm, and the disease of unpleasant food.

3. Silver fungus tea

【Ingredients】20 grams of silver fungus, 5 grams of tea, 20 grams of rock sugar.

【Method】The first thing to do is to wash the silver fungus and add water and rock sugar (do not use white sugar) stew, and then soak the tea leaves for 5 minutes to get the juice and into the silver fungus soup, stir well.

【Efficacy】 has the function of nourishing Yin and lowering fire, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, suitable for Yin deficiency cough.

4. Orange red tea

【Ingredients】3 grams of orange red, 5 grams of green tea.

【Method】 Brew the above materials with boiling water and then put them in a pot and steam for 20 minutes after taking.

【Efficacy】It has the function of moistening the lung and eliminating phlegm, regulating the qi and relieving cough, applicable to autumn cough phlegm, sticky and cough phlegm unpleasant disease.


Drinking tea is a refreshing method of health care, different people drink different tea, different tea has different effects. The above four Chinese lung-clearing teas are simple to make, and long-term drinking can have a great improvement on lung detoxification, especially in winter, and have a significant effect on improve cough, cough and other symptoms.

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