Lung Health

Indoor Air Is Critical To Avoid Lung Injury In Winter

“The lung is an open organ, it has a total area of 100 square meters, it is because it is an open and large area so it is easy to be hurt”, said an expert, “in the case of about 37 degrees the body is saturated with water vapor, but the relatively cold and dry winter, often up to Not to such humidity, it will affect the movement of the cilia in the nasal cavity, it can not contract freely will affect the exchange of gas, dirty gas will not be easy to discharge, so it is easy to cause lung infection”. Therefore, in winter, indoor air is very critical and should try to avoid the lungs in winter vulnerable to injury.

1. It is important to open windows for ventilation

The hospital is a place for patient treatment, various diagnostic operations, and treatment, to the hospital environment put forward special requirements, especially in winter, respiratory infections, more patients, heating, air conditioning on, doors and windows are closed, it is easy to send infection, in addition to regular window ventilation, the use of some instruments to regulate humidity, scientific standardized use of air conditioning, the recovery of patients, reduce hospital cross-infection, improve the quality of medical care have A better role.
According to the data published by the World Health Organization, nearly a quarter of the world’s diseases are caused by environmental factors, and tens of millions of people die every year due to adverse environmental factors.

We should not only pay attention to the natural environment, social environment, and another large environments, but also pay attention to the small indoor environment, winter, early spring, and late autumn weather is relatively cold, doors and windows are closed, public places indoor, especially hospitals, stations, cinemas, office buildings, and other public places are crowded, mobility, where the impact of health factors on the masses is magnified, so in these places, the installation of air purification devices, is undoubtedly very necessary intervention.

2. Indoor humidity of 50% to 70% is appropriate

The water vapor in the human body is saturated at about 37℃, but the relative cold and dryness in winter often do not reach such humidity, which will affect the movement of cilia in the nasal cavity, which cannot contract freely and will affect the gas exchange, and the dirty gas will not be easily discharged, so it is easy to cause lung infection.

Dryness is also a feature of indoor air in the north, we often see some children are prone to nosebleeds in winter, and dryness is not unrelated. Because when the air is dry, our respiratory tract, including the nasopharynx, trachea, and mucous membrane water will be lost, and the protective function of the respiratory tract will be damaged. In addition, if the air humidity is less than 50%, it is a particularly dry situation, the spread of bacteria and viruses will be more rapid, and dust and suspended particles, the vector for the spread of bacteria increased, resulting in the amount of virus and bacteria inhaled by the human body will also increase. Of course, too much humidity will lead to accelerated growth of viruses, generally speaking, 50% to 70% is a more appropriate humidity.

There are some small ways to maintain indoor air humidity, such as putting a basin of water under the heater, and building a wet towel is a good way. If you have the conditions, you can also use some purification and humidification equipment, but the process must pay attention to the problem of pathogenic contamination, and regular cleaning, otherwise, it is likely to become a breeding ground for viruses bacteria, and other pathogens.

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