Lung Health

Nutritional Knowledge Of Various Vitamins

Vitamins, also called vitamins, as the name suggests, are essential for maintaining the body’s vital activities. There are 13 types of vitamins, which can be divided into two categories: fat-soluble vitamins, of which there are four, namely vitamins A, D, E, and K. The remaining nine are water-soluble vitamins, except for vitamin C. The rest are all B vitamins.

So what are the roles of each of these vitamins? And what are the sources of food?

1. Vitamin A – anti-infection vitamin

The main role Constitutes the sensory substance of vision; maintains the health of the epithelial layer of the skin, lungs, intestines, urinary tract, etc., improves immunity

Deficiency hazards: night blindness, developmental delays in children, digestive diseases, pneumonia, etc.

Main sources: animal liver, cod liver oil, whole milk, eggs, etc.; dark green or red-yellow-orange vegetables and fruits (converted from beta-carotene)

2. Vitamin D – the sunshine vitamin

Main role: Promote calcium absorption, regulate growth and development and immunity, etc.

Deficiency hazards: rickets in children, chondrodysplasia in adults, osteoporosis in the elderly, cramps, etc.

Main sources: sunlight (the cheapest way), saltwater fish, liver, egg yolk

3. Vitamin E – the source of youth

Main functions: delaying aging, promoting reproduction, protecting blood vessels, anti-thrombosis, etc.

Deficiency hazards: hemolytic anemia, neurodegenerative diseases, abnormalities in pregnancy and childbirth, etc.

Main sources: nuts, vegetable oils, legumes, seeds, etc.

4. Vitamin K – anticoagulant vitamin

Main role: blood clotting, promoting the deposition of calcium in bones.

Deficiency hazards: bleeding disorders, etc.

Main sources: leafy greens, liver, etc., and synthesis of intestinal bacteria

Most fat-soluble vitamins are found in animal foods, and the daily requirement of the human body is small, so people with a balanced diet are generally not prone to deficiency. Fat-soluble vitamins are not excreted in the urine, unlike water-soluble vitamins, which are accumulated in the body. If you suspect that you may be deficient, do not supplement without permission, but consult your doctor or nutritionist first before supplementing scientifically to avoid side effects.

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