Lung Health

Respiratory Training Rehabilitation Guidelines

The purpose of respiratory training is to improve respiratory function, remove secretions from the airway, maintain respiratory hygiene, improve the patient’s cardiopulmonary and systemic functions, restore mobility and return to society as much as possible.

Indications for respiratory training.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchiectasis, chronic pulmonary heart disease, rehabilitation period after lung surgery.

1. Diaphragmatic breathing

Also known as compound breathing, this is a training method that emphasizes the movement of the diaphragm. To improve abnormal breathing patterns and effectively reduce the use of respiratory assistance muscles to improve respiratory efficiency and reduce respiratory energy consumption.

Indications: Spinal cord injury, chronic emphysema or obstructive lung disease, respiratory dysfunction due to severe scoliosis or kyphosis, etc.

Contraindications: unstable clinical condition, uncontrolled infection, respiratory failure, other clinical conditions that can lead to deterioration during training, severe cognitive deficits, and psychiatric disorders that affect memory and compliance.

Equipment and tools: no equipment is required

Operation methods and steps: can be done by supine position, the whole body relaxed, two knees half flexed, the abdominal muscles must be relaxed, the left hand on the upper chest, the right hand on the abdomen, slowly inhale with the nose, the diaphragm down to the maximum, so that the abdomen bulge, the right hand with the abdomen bulge and lift up, exhale the opposite, the abdominal muscles contracted, slowly exhale, to persist in the long term, the effect is better

2. Local breathing training

Definition, also known as thoracic expansion, for possible hyperventilation in certain areas of the lung, expansion training in specific areas of the lung includes expansion of the lateral thorax, expansion of the posterior base, expansion of the right middle lobe or lingual lobe, and expansion of the lung tip.

Indications: Post-surgical and other causes of pulmonary atelectasis or chest wall fibrosis.

Contraindications: unstable clinical condition, uncontrolled infection, respiratory failure, other clinical conditions that can worsen during training, severe cognitive deficits, and psychiatric disorders that affect memory and compliance.

Equipment and tools: no equipment is required

Operation method and procedure: The therapist or the patient places his or her hand on the area to be enhanced for breathing training, the patient is instructed to breathe deeply, and the therapist applies local pressure on the chest during inhalation.

3. Resistance expiratory training

It is a breathing training method to apply resistance during expiration to increase the airway resistance appropriately and reduce or prevent the premature closure of small airways in the lesioned area during expiration, so as to improve ventilation and air exchange and reduce the amount of residual air in the lungs.

Indications: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, and cystic fibrosis), spinal cord injury, etc.
Contraindications: unstable clinical condition, uncontrolled infection, respiratory failure, other clinical conditions that can worsen during training, severe cognitive deficits, and psychiatric disorders that affect memory and compliance.

Equipment and tools: No equipment is required.

Operation methods and procedures: Lip retraction and exhalation, bottle blowing, and articulatory breathing can be used.

Lip reduction and exhalation: comfortable and relaxed position, shut up and inhale deeply through the nose, when exhaling, close the mouth and whistle so that the gas slowly passes through the narrowed mouth shape, the ratio of inhalation to exhalation is 1:2. The size of the lip reduction during exhalation is adjusted by the patient’s own choice, do not be too large or too small, more patients with dyspnea can improve shortness of breath with this method, in most cases, patients can stop using lip reduction and exhalation after mastering abdominal breathing way.

4. Pulmonary fibrosis breathing exercises

After long-term clinical practice, a set of “Pulmonary Fibrosis Respiratory Rehabilitation Exercises” for patients with interstitial lung disease has been designed for patients with various pulmonary fibrosis diseases, with the purpose of improving pulmonary ventilation and ventilation function, slowing down the rate of lung volume reduction and improving the quality of life through standardized body movements and deep breathing. Three simple movements are included, as follows.

01. Whole-lung deep breathing

Stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart, arms close to the outer thighs on both sides, arms outstretched, slowly upward, while breathing deeply, palms together above the head. repeat the above action 4-6 times within 1 minute.

02. Unilateral lower lung deep breathing

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms close to the outer thighs on both sides, right upper arm abduction, slowly upward, while inhaling deeply, bend the body to the left side to a 30-60 degree angle, while breathing deeply, slowly return to the original position.

Left upper arm abduction, slowly upward, while inhaling deeply, body to the right side to 30-60 degrees, while breathing deeply, slowly back to the original position.

Repeat the above action 4 times in one minute.

03. Upper lung deep breathing

Stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart, arms close to the outer thighs on both sides, cross your hands at the back of your neck, force your head and neck forward, while exhaling deeply, then force your arms backward (both hands are always crossed), lift your head and neck backward, while inhaling deeply, repeat the above action 4 times within one minute.

Precautions for respiratory rehabilitation training
1. quiet training environment to avoid excessive disturbance.
2. dress loosely and adopt a comfortable and relaxed position.
3. avoid holding your breath and excessively slowing down the breathing rate to avoid excessive carbon dioxide in the blood.
4. training principles are persistent, gradual, and individualized.
5. training intensity should be gradually increased, according to the strength, in order not to cause fatigue, otherwise it may induce or aggravate lung disease.
6. pay attention to aerobic training, such as walking, stair climbing, and tai chi.
7. pay attention to improving nutrition and lifestyle habits.

These are the methods and essentials of respiratory training, if there is anything you do not understand, welcome to leave comments.

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