Lung Health

Five Exercises You Can Do At Home To Enhance Lung Health

The lungs control breathing and are the body’s first line of defense against foreign germs, so doing the right amount of exercise to strengthen lung function can significantly help boost immunity. Doing moderate-intensity exercise can boost immunity without spending money or snatching. Staying at home, you may also want to do more lung health-enhancing exercises to support your respiratory system and make your body strong.

Many studies have shown that regular medium-intensity exercise can effectively boost immunity, while long, high-intensity exercise, such as marathons, can lower the body’s immunity in a short period of time. As for what is considered medium-intensity exercise, is when you do exercise feel a little shortness of breath but are still able to have the air to talk, and the body slightly sweating state.

Here are five exercises to enhance lung health that is especially recommended to stay at home.

1. Walking on the spot

Not being able to go out for a run is not an excuse, at home every day to do in situ stepping training, you can also strengthen your breathing function.

This action is to imitate the jogging version of the in situ, when the legs are alternately raised, elbow flexion with the action of a slight swing, in situ stepping process can be added to a little jump, run in situ. This action is carried out for 45 seconds to 1 minute for a time, rest for 30 seconds, and you can do it again. It is recommended to do a total of 4-5 times.

2. Mountaineer-style running

This action can increase your lung capacity, stay at home can already do. First of all, hands straight out on the ground, as if the high flat version of the support action, pay attention to the hands perpendicular to the shoulders, and then alternately bend the knees and lift the legs to the abdomen, the action to adapt to slowly speed up, legs as if in running. Climber-style running for 30 seconds as a group, you can do 4-5 groups.

3. Stretching lazy back type chest muscle stretch

People with cold back, chest pressed lungs, is not conducive to lung expansion and detoxification, or worse, affect breathing, so a stretch that can open the chest cavity, can support lung health.

Stretching this action, in fact, not only in stretching the waist, when your hands buckle upward to support, your upper body, including the pectoral muscles, arms, and abdomen also participates at the same time.

Do stretching to pay attention to the chest cavity to maintain an expanded state, keep stretching action to do three deep breaths, and then slowly restore, repeat the action five times as a group, and do one or two groups.

4. Towel back and pull down

After stretching the pectoral muscles, we have to forge the back muscles, so that we can stand or sit more straight upper body, which has a positive impact on breathing.

To do this action requires the use of a long towel to assist, you can do sitting or standing, hands up and pull the ends of the towel, the breadth of about a little wider than the shoulders, exhale and pull the towel down, feel the shoulder blades tighten, and then restore. Repeat the action 10-15 times for a group, do 3 groups.

5. Abdominal breathing

Abdominal breathing can be said to be a diaphragmatic exercise, in the inhalation of the diaphragm downward pressure, so that the expansion of the chest cavity to a greater extent, the air can enter deeper into the lungs, than the natural daily chest breathing into more air and oxygen, but also to enhance lung capacity. When the diaphragm drops, the upper abdomen also rises. When exhaling, the diaphragm rises to help expel the gas.

Abdominal breathing can be practiced in a sitting, standing, or lying position. Initially, when practicing abdominal breathing, you can place your hand on your abdomen and feel your abdomen swell up as you inhale, and take your time in the inhalation process, counting 5 seconds internally to complete the inhalation, and then counting another 5 seconds internally to exhale slowly while feeling your abdomen slowly retract. Repeat the abdominal breathing method 10 times as a group, then rest for 1 minute, and then do 10 times the abdominal breathing method, so that the body slowly adapts.

In fact, medium-intensity aerobic exercises such as jogging or cycling, and swimming is also very beneficial to lung health, but during this period need to reduce the number of outings, the above five exercises are particularly aimed at strengthening lung health, suitable for home, you can do the above training 3-4 times a week, even if you can not go out can also strengthen the lungs, so that the body more healthy.

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